Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Steffen Vogel <>

  Package name    : sun
  Version         : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Steffen Vogel <>
  URL             :
  License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: ANSI C
  Description     : sun calculates the sun's rise/set times, the solar noon and 
the daylight time duration

I wrote this tool to easily schedule the switching of my lighting for home 
Its a stand alone binary following the unix paradigm. Its designed to be used 
in conjunjtion with cron, at
date etc.

For me this tool is extremly useful as you might note with these examples:

Schedule a BIOS wakeup 10 minutes before the sunrise in Berlin:
  nvram-wakeup -s $(date -d "-10min $(sun rise -q Berlin)" +%s)

Shutdown the system 10 minutes after sunset:
  shutdown $(date -d +10min $(src/sun set --lat=50.55 --lon=-6.2) +%H:%M)

Enable my lighting at cilil twiglight:
  echo ~/bin/enable-lightning | at $(sun set -q Frankfurt -t civil)

The sourcecode is hostet at github:

Debian packaging is already completed. I'm currently providing the package in 
my own apt repository:

Its based on the solar calculations:
from Arnold Barmettler <>

Merry X-Mas


PS: Please excuse my mistakes i've propably made. Thats my first ITP and Debian 
package overall...

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