Hello, Vincent.

Although I'm not a maintainer of this package, you may find these
patches useful because they change the make-jpkg's behavior exactly in
the way you want, removing JRE/JDK update number from the directory name.

These patches are meant to be applied to files in the package's source
tarball, so either edit them or play with "patch" utility parameters if
you want to modify files belonging to the installed package.
--- lib/j2sdk.sh	2012-08-19 17:24:59.000000000 +0400
+++ lib/j2sdk.sh	2012-12-23 01:22:27.000000000 +0400
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     diskfree "$j2se_required_space"
-    j2se_name="jdk-$j2se_version-$j2se_vendor-$j2se_arch"
+    j2se_name="jdk-$j2se_release-$j2se_vendor-$j2se_arch"
     local target="$install_dir$jvm_base$j2se_name"
     install -d -m 755 "$( dirname "$target" )"
     extract_bin "$archive_path" "$j2se_expected_min_size" "$target"
--- lib/j2re.sh	2012-08-19 17:24:59.000000000 +0400
+++ lib/j2re.sh	2012-12-23 01:30:54.000000000 +0400
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     diskfree "$j2se_required_space"
-    j2se_name="jre-$j2se_version-$j2se_vendor-$j2se_arch"
+    j2se_name="jre-$j2se_release-$j2se_vendor-$j2se_arch"
     local target="$install_dir$jvm_base$j2se_name"
     install -d -m 755 "$( dirname "$target" )"
     extract_bin "$archive_path" "$j2se_expected_min_size" "$target"

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