Control: fixed -1

Hi Salvatore,

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 11:13:26AM +0100, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + squeeze
> Control: notfound -1


> But I tried too to check the Squeeze -> Wheezy update, and like you
> was not able to repoduce.

> Does the above control changes reflect this correctly for the BTS?

I don't think so:
notfound removes a previous indication that the bug was found in that version.
There was no such indication (it is only implicitly found in that version,
because it is found in an earlier version), so it wasn't removed.

I think you wanted to mark the bug as 'fixed' (= no longer present) in that
version. I did this now.

So this bug will now only apply to squeeze, not to wheezy (or newer releases).



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