Done, you find it on the PicoSAT home page.


On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:04 PM, Reinhard Tartler <> wrote:
> Yes, something like that would indeed help a lot!
> Thanks
> Reinhard
> On Di, Dez 18, 2012 at 18:03:57 (CET), Armin Biere wrote:
>> You mean adding a '#define PICOSAT_REENTANT_API' for instance
>> to the header file?  So your code could then do:
>> static PicoSAT * picosat_instance;
>> void init_sat_solver () {
>>   picosat_instance = picosat_init ();
>> }
>> #else
>> void init_sat_solver () {
>>   picosat_init ();
>> }
>> #endif
>> etc.
>> This is an easy fix ...
>> Armin
>> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:55 PM, Reinhard Tartler <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Armin,
>>> On Di, Dez 18, 2012 at 17:51:24 (CET), Armin Biere wrote:
>>>> Keeping the API compatible is not really possible if
>>>> the goal is to have multiple instances of PicoSAT co-exist
>>>> in the same process, which actually was a long requested
>>>> feature by many users.  So I can not really go back to the old
>>>> API.  The only thing I can image is to add a compile time option
>>>> which say 'PICOSAT_NON_REENTRANT', which if defined
>>>> would use the old API.  Still this would not allow binary compatability,
>>>> only source compatability and then you could just recompile
>>>> the new system using the new API anyhow ...
>>>> Armin
>>> Keeping binary compatibility is not a requirement, as picosat does not
>>> provide a shared library (even if picosat would, breaking binary
>>> compatibility would be a matter of changing the library SONAME.)
>>> Introducing PICOSAT_NON_REENTRANT would help a bit. What I actually
>>> request is a #define that indicates the new api, so that I can implement
>>> both APIs in my application and select the right one with #ifdefs.
>>> Would it be possible to add such defines to picosat?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Reinhard
>>> --
>>> Gruesse/greetings,
>>> Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4
> --
> Gruesse/greetings,
> Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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