
The manpage should not just document a feature that we don't have. So I
put in verbiage that this is missing, and why.

I left some documentation about readline intact, because one may be
connected to another host that has a readline-enabled socat, while
reading the page on wheezy.

Robert Bihlmeyer

--- socat.1.orig	2012-12-20 09:30:51.665600173 +0100
+++ socat.1	2012-12-20 09:40:57.057582287 +0100
@@ -667,18 +667,12 @@
 Uses GNU readline and history on stdio to allow editing and reusing input
-lines (example)\&. This requires the GNU readline and 
-history libraries\&. Note that stdio should be a (pseudo) terminal device,
-otherwise readline does not seem to work\&.
+lines (example)\&.
+Due to licensing restrictions the readline feature is disabled in Debian\&.
+See BUGS\&.
-Option groups: FD,READLINE,TERMIOS 
-Useful options:
-See also:
+You can use STDIO instead\&.
 .IP "\fB\f(CWSCTP-CONNECT:<host>:<port>\fP\fP"
 Establishes an SCTP stream connection to the specified <host> [IP
 address] and <port> [TCP service]
@@ -1979,6 +1973,8 @@
 \fI\fBREADLINE option group\fP\fP
+Due to licensing restrictions the readline feature is disabled in Debian (see BUGS)\&.
 These options apply to the readline address type\&.
 .IP "\fB\f(CWhistory=<filename>\fP\fP"
 Reads and writes history from/to <filename> (example)\&.
@@ -3203,7 +3199,6 @@
 ttyS0\&'s terminal parameters to practicable values, crnl 
 converts to correct newline characters\&. escape allows to
 terminate the socat process with character control-O\&. 
-Consider using READLINE instead of the first address\&.
@@ -3262,15 +3257,6 @@
 Option reuseaddr allows immediate restart of the server
-.IP "\fB\f(CWsocat READLINE,noecho=\&'[Pp]assword:\&' EXEC:\&'ftp ftp\&.server\&.com\&',pty,setsid,ctty\fP\fP"
-wraps a command line history (READLINE) around the EXEC\&'uted ftp client utility\&.
-This allows editing and reuse of FTP commands for relatively comfortable
-browsing through the ftp directory hierarchy\&. The password is echoed!
-pty is required to have ftp issue a prompt\&.
-Nevertheless, there may occur some confusion with the password and FTP
 (\fB\f(CWsocat PTY,link=$HOME/dev/vmodem0,raw,echo=0,wait-slave EXEC:\&'"ssh modemserver\&.us\&.org socat - /dev/ttyS0,nonblock,raw,echo=0"\&'\fP\fP)
@@ -3660,7 +3646,8 @@
 when address options cr or crnl are used: They show the data \fIafter\fP
 conversion in either direction\&.
-The data transfer blocksize setting (\-b) is ignored with address readline\&.
+The licenses of OpenSSL and GNU Readline are incompatible\&. Therefore readline
+support is disabled in Debian\&.
 Send bug reports to <socat@dest-unreach\&.org>

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