On 17-Dec-2012, tony mancill wrote:
> On 12/17/2012 12:42 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
> > On 17-Dec-2012, Thomas Perl wrote:
> >> Also, you might want to migrate to gPodder 3.x (can be found in Debian
> >> unstable). There's a tool called "gpodder-migrate2tres" that can be used
> >> to convert your gPodder 2 database to gPodder 3.
> > 
> > That might be good for me, but won't help with the release of Squeeze (I'm
> > assuming gPodder 3 won't be accepted into Squeeze during the freeze).

Here I mean Wheezy (thanks for asking what I meant).

> Just to make sure we're all on the same page, we're talking about
> upgrading from Squeeze -> Wheezy, right?

No, I said the wrong thing earlier. I mean upgrading within Wheezy; i.e.
the machine has been running Wheezy for a long time, and a recent upgrade
of some other package with Wheezy has broken gPodder in Wheezy on this

> I tried to reproduce the issue with a fresh install of Wheezy using the
> URL you provided and everything seemed to work fine, so I'll need to
> start with Squeeze, set up the podcast, and then upgrade to Wheezy to try
> to reproduce the issue.

I hope that helps; the path from Squeeze isn't the issue AFICT.

 \         德不孤、必有鄰。 (The virtuous are not abandoned, they shall surely |
  `\              have neighbours.) —孔夫子 Confucius (551 BCE – 479 BCE) |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <b...@benfinney.id.au>

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