Package: kcollectd
Version: 0.9-2+b1

Back in 2011, Michael Prokop <> wrote:
> The package description says:
> ,---- [ % apt-cache show kcollectd ]
> | Description: simple collectd graphing frontend for KDE
> |  Kcollectd is a graphical KDE-frontend to collectd that allows to view
> |  RRD files that have been created by collectd. It allows to easily
> |  navigate in the data with the mouse and can be used as a chart recorder.
> `----
> I don't see how I can use kcollectd with rrd files that aren't the
> ones created by collectd on the host where kcollectd is running. The
> package description is misleading for me therefore (since "RRD files
> that have been created by collectd" doesn't seem to be the whole truth).

I don't quite understand how you find that particular ambiguity in
this package description (it says nothing about data from remote
hosts), but it *is* badly in need of a rewrite.  Here's my review and
suggested patch.

# Description: simple collectd graphing frontend for KDE

I only have one, distinctly nitpicky criticism for this synopsis:
"frontend" is developerese.  I would suggest "front-end" (and even
that's a compromise: the dictionaries say it's "front end").

#  Kcollectd is a graphical KDE-frontend to collectd that allows to view

 * The same nitpick again: s/frontend/front-end/.
 * But using the word again is repetitive.
 * And "KDE-frontend" isn't entitled to a hyphen.
 * And if it's a KDE frontend for graphing things, that already makes
   it fairly obvious that it's graphical.
 * And if it's called kcollectd and (you go on to mention in the same
   sentence) it's for viewing the output of collectd, it's fairly
   obvious that collectd is what it's a front-end to.
 * On the other hand, it would be useful to have some passing mention
   of what collectd *is*.
 * And to top it all off, it's that old classic, objectless "allow".

(Oh, I now notice you've *also* had a bug report for this, but the
patch provided for #687354 is distinctly robotic-sounding English.)

#  RRD files that have been created by collectd. It allows to easily

 * "Have been created" is Deutschlish; you just need a plain passive
   (in fact idiomatic native-speaker English would probably reduce the
   relative clause to "RRD files created by collectd").
 * "Allows to" twice in the same package description!  DISALLOWED!

#  navigate in the data with the mouse and can be used as a chart recorder.

 * "In the data with the mouse" is... awkward.  It sounds as if
   there's a mouse in the data.
 * It can't be used as a "chart recorder" in the sense of recording
   physical strip-charts; this claim probably needs to be reduced to
   "can be used as a virtual chart recorder".  Unless of course it
   means that it can output to a chart recorder?  (Apparently not.)

Stealing a couple of words from the homepage and the manual, I would

| Description: simple collectd graphing front-end for KDE
|  This package provides a basic KDE application for viewing RRD files
|  created by collectd, the system statistics storage daemon. It allows
|  easy mouse-driven navigation through data collections and can be used
|  as a virtual chart recorder.

JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
diff -ru kcollectd-0.9.pristine/debian/control kcollectd-0.9/debian/control
--- kcollectd-0.9.pristine/debian/control	2012-12-15 14:44:23.000000000 +0000
+++ kcollectd-0.9/debian/control	2012-12-15 15:41:59.563049107 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, collectd
 Suggests: khelpcenter4
-Description: simple collectd graphing frontend for KDE
- Kcollectd is a graphical KDE-frontend to collectd that allows to view
- RRD files that have been created by collectd. It allows to easily
- navigate in the data with the mouse and can be used as a chart recorder.
+Description: simple collectd graphing front-end for KDE
+ This package provides a basic KDE application for viewing RRD files
+ created by collectd, the system statistics storage daemon. It allows
+ easy mouse-driven navigation through data collections and can be used
+ as a virtual chart recorder.

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