On 15/12/12 17:34, Thomas Chung wrote: > On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com> > wrote: >> >> Your attached shx file is empty as such, >> > > That empty shx file is part of the setup. It does not segfault if the > file does not exist. Could you confirm that you tried it with all > three files as attached? > > I was trying to create a minimal example, and found that an empty shx > file still reproduced the problem. > > Thomas
Yep. Used, those files with md5sums of 60c1d5f7a6a36728b88db947359757ba nsw.dbf 4b7c97864fdf18acd2bbe0af0d897f7c nsw.shp d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e nsw.shx and running shp2pgsql nsw gives attached results. Using postgis package 1.5.3-2 (unstable)
.shx file is unreadable, or corrupt. nsw: shape (.shp) or index files (.shx) can not be opened, will just import attribute data.
SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO UTF8; SET STANDARD_CONFORMING_STRINGS TO ON; BEGIN; CREATE TABLE "nsw" (gid serial PRIMARY KEY, "mb_code11" varchar(11), "mb_cat11" varchar(50), "sa1_main11" varchar(11), "sa1_7dig11" varchar(7), "sa2_main11" varchar(9), "sa2_5dig11" varchar(5), "sa2_name11" varchar(50), "sa3_code11" varchar(5), "sa3_name11" varchar(50), "sa4_code11" varchar(3), "sa4_name11" varchar(50), "gcc_code11" varchar(5), "gcc_name11" varchar(50), "ste_code11" varchar(1), "ste_name11" varchar(50), "albers_sqm" numeric); INSERT INTO "nsw" ("mb_code11","mb_cat11","sa1_main11","sa1_7dig11","sa2_main11","sa2_5dig11","sa2_name11","sa3_code11","sa3_name11","sa4_code11","sa4_name11","gcc_code11","gcc_name11","ste_code11","ste_name11","albers_sqm") VALUES ('10000009499','NOUSUALRESIDENCE','19999949999','1949999','199999499','19499','No usual address (NSW)','19999','Special Purpose Codes SA3 (NSW)','199','Special Purpose Codes SA4 (NSW)','19499','No usual address (NSW)','1','New South Wales',NULL); COMMIT;
Description: OpenPGP digital signature