Control: reassign -1 xkb-data 2.5.1-2.1
Control: severity -1 important
Control: tags -1 + upstream fixed-upstream patch
Control: forwarded -1

Le jeudi 26 janvier 2012 à 12:20 +0100, Rémi Letot a écrit :
> Package: xkb-data
> Version: 2.5-1
> Severity: normal

> I upgraded my sid system, and xkb-data was upgraded to 2.5-1.
> Normaly, my X configuration is azerty Belgian at the time of gdm, 
> and switches to French bépo (façon dvorak) once in gnome.
> After upgrading xkb-data, the layout stays Belgian even after login.
> Gnome's keyboard applet says fr, and the bépo layout it selected in
> the menu if I expand it, but the real used layout is Belgian. More
> than that, I can't select the other option in the keyboard applet.
> Now if I open keyboard parameters and change the order of the 
> layouts (that is make Belgian first in the list), I can use the
> menu to switch layouts again.
> If I change the orders again, I can still switch but the layouts 
> are inverted: selecting be gets me bépo, and fr gets me be...
> Reverting to xkb-data 2.3-2 from testing fixes everything.

As a user of the fr(bepo) layout, I confirm this. This is actually an
xkb-data bug that has been fixed upstream and for which I attach the
relevant patch. I consider this issue to be of severity important,
because it severely affects several categories of users, like the Bépo
community and users of fr(oss) and Norwegian keymaps.

I think the fix should go into Wheezy. Kibi, what's your opinion? I can
NMU if this helps.


 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Developer
`. `'
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