Tags +patch 

Ok, this was actually a very easy fix.  The problem is that discus included
only the units up to Terabytes, if you have more than that, it's not able
to show the info to you.

This is fixed by modifying the discusrc file (located at /etc).  I'm
attaching a patch that fixes it, and also includes the next unit
(Exabytes), while adding some consistency along unit formats.

 Bessos,    (o_
    Marga.  (\)_
--- /etc/discusrc       2003-11-04 01:04:17.000000000 -0300
+++ discusrc    2005-10-18 17:49:34.469108346 -0300
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ##  commas.  String values must be quoted.
 ##  Labels to display next to numbers.  Thanks to Frank Elsner.
-opts["akabytes"] = ["KB", "meg", "gig", "TB"]
+opts["akabytes"] = ["KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"]
 opts["color"] = 1
 opts["divisor"] = 1
 opts["graph"] = 1

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