Hello, as ole already mentioned the source package name is far too generic. I'm not familiar with java packaging policies, but I would also expect nom.tam to appear somewhere in the package name or description. It would make it clear on first sight which java fits library it is. I coudl not find Ole's email or any other, but I just looked at http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/fits/java/v1.0 and from there I would think that libfits-java would be fine. An alternative would possibly be libnasa-fits-java but in my perception this would overdo it. There is qfits-tools, python3-pyfits, libcfitsio3, libastro-fits-cfitsio-perl, fitscheck and tcl-fitstcl already in the archive.
I am also with pkg-java. My suggestion would be to leave it with debian-science, though. If sponsoring is not yet settled, feel free contacting me. Many greetings Steffen