Control: severity -1 important


On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 12:23:31PM +0100, Florian Gleixner wrote:
> Source: sec
> Version: 2.5.3-1+nmu1
> Severity: critical
> Starting sec with /etc/default/sec untouched causes sec to write to
> syslog for example every time a rule creates a context. This may cause
> another context to get created. So sec wrote > 400GB syslog in 24h at my
> system making it unusable.

I'm downgrading this bug:

The package doesn't create any rules. It doesn't start by default and it
doesn't create /etc/sec.conf (which is used in /etc/default/sec and needed for
sec to run). It doesn't even provide an example sec.conf. So if you want to
use is, you have to read the documentation and create the configuration
yourself. If you do that in a way that creates a problem, that might be a bug,
but not a critical one.



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