On Sat, 2012-12-08 at 13:37 +0100, Christoph Haas wrote:

> You mean where lookup is possible from the source package name instead
> of the binary package name? Yes, that should work. I'll reflect that
> in the database schema.

Yeah, like the binary package page but listing all the binary packages
and their screenshots if any. Thanks.

> IMHO the PTS only works for specific packages and does not provide a
> generalized list. Of course it can be implemented in the PTS but
> screenshots.debian.net provides a list of packages with missing
> screenshots anyway.


> User-friendly version:
> http://screenshots.debian.net/packages/without_screenshots
> JSON version:
> http://screenshots.debian.net/json/packages-without-screenshots
> I could implement a certain URL returning information about
> screenshots for a certain source package if that helps.

Well, we don't want a "Please upload a screenshot" TODO item on the PTS
pages of packages without any user interface or other screenshot-needing
part. For example some libraries provide a UI, others don't. Font
package screenshots are probably a good idea but packages containing
music/audio don't need screenshots. We need screenshots for games but
not really for game data packages. Screenshots for debug packages aren't
needed. Screenshots for metapackages could be interesting depending on
what they are. I think we need some heuristics for suggesting screenshot
uploading; based on package names, contents, dependencies and debtags.



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