reassign 647747 libgnutls26

On 13.11.2012 01:40, Дёмин К.А. wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> Andreas' patch looks like to be more reliable and compatible with
> library's logic. Definitely, it works too.
> I've tested gnutls26 2.12.21-3 with 30_strlen_on_null.diff - normal
> package build: (seems to be) successful self-tests during build,
> [skipped many actions] and finally restart dependent applications with
> new shared lib.
> No more segfaults, openvpn connects successfully. I've tested
> long-long L2 tunnel to enterprise' private network - everything has
> worked.

Let's reassign this to gnutls26 then.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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