I do see this problem, but I haven't tried new packages. It's difficult to
reproduce and I could never get it to happen when I had it running in a
debugger. I also was never really able to pinpoint a specific sequence of
events which triggered it. I've mostly switched to krdc on my debian
systems but still run remmina/freerdp on my RHEL6 box and do still see the
issue from time to time, but I can't confirm it in the newer versions.

Isaac Freeman - Systems Administrator
IBM SmartCloud Managed Backup

From:   Simon Waters <sim...@zynet.net>
To:     662...@bugs.debian.org, Isaac Freeman/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS,
Date:   11/12/2012 11:02 AM
Subject:        Similar issue still present after installing freerdp 1.0.1-2
            from sid

I've installed the packages from sid, and I'm still seeing a similar issue.

In particular (sometimes) on using "alt-tab" to switch to another
application on the local desktop, the remote desktop window is closed.
When it happens I am aware of the old window closing on completing the
"alt-tab" (although not sure how I know it has gone, I see some sort of
flash, presumably it is the redraw of the GNOME classic toolbar removing
the task for Remmina that my peripheral vision is picking up on).

Does the original poster (Isaac) still see the issue with the new
packages, as if not probably should open a new bug.

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