Package: irssi-plugin-xmpp
Version: 0.52-1
Severity: important

If a user in the roster has a description which only consists of a single
space character, irssi-xmpp will segfault.

This is caused by faulty code in the stroneline-function in file
src/fe-common/fe-rosters.c. The code of that function is severely
broken and can cause memory corruption in the circumstances mentioned
(and maybe more). See my report with explanation and patch here.

The upstream author proposed a slightly different with broken code
again (inappropriate use of memcpy) and has not changed the code
in CVS in any way since then.

This MIGHT be a security problem as this might be somehow exploited,
so a severity of grave MIGHT be warranted. I have set it to important
for now.

So I propose to include the attached patch to the debian version of 
irssi-xmpp and try to get it into the next release still.

--- irssi-plugin-xmpp-0.52.orig/src/fe-common/fe-rosters.c
+++ irssi-plugin-xmpp-0.52/src/fe-common/fe-rosters.c
@@ -40,16 +40,15 @@ stroneline(char *s)
 		if (isspace(*p1)) {
 			*p1 = ' ';
 			p2 = p1;
-			spaces = 0;
-			while (*(p2++) != '\0' && isspace(*p2))
-			++spaces;
-			if (spaces > 0) {
-				len = strlen(p1);
-				for (i = 0; i < len-spaces+1; ++i)
-					p1[i-spaces] = p1[i];
-			}
-		}
-	}
+                        while (*p2 != '\0' && isspace(*p2)) p2++;
+                        spaces = p2-p1;
+                        if ( spaces > 1 )
+                            memmove(p1, p1+spaces-1, strlen(p1)-spaces+2);
+                }
+        }
 static gboolean

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