
Rafał Cieślak [2012-11-09 10:56 +0100]:
> This bug report represents the need of a simple compile/link/run
> autopkg test for libfluidsynth-dev.

This ensures that the -dev package installs a working pkg-config file,
header files into the correct place, pulls in the right dependencies,
the depending packages can build/link/have correct headers, etc. So
it's actually a lot more useful than it might look at first sight

autopkgtest/DEP-8 [1] have been a Debian standard for quite some time,
but now folks are discussing to actually deploy the tests on Debian as
well [2] so that they eventually get run on Debian's Jenkins [3].
So please consider adding the tests to Debian as well. These are
mission-critical infrastructure in Ubuntu now, so we'll ensure that
they keep working (and sending patches as appropriate).

Thanks for considering,


[1] http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep8/
[3] http://jenkins.debian.net/
Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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