Source: triplane
Version: 1.0.7-1
Severity: normal

There are some errors from cppcheck, it would probably be good to fix
them, especially the possible memory leak:

pabs@chianamo ~/tmp/triplane-1.0.7 $ cppcheck -j8 --quiet -f .
[src/io/dksfile.cpp:197]: (error) Used file that is not opened.
[src/io/dksfile.cpp:206]: (error) Used file that is not opened.
[src/io/dksfile.cpp:210]: (error) Used file that is not opened.
[src/io/dksfile.cpp:214]: (error) Used file that is not opened.
[src/io/dksfile.cpp:225]: (error) Used file that is not opened.
[src/io/dksfile.cpp:229]: (error) Used file that is not opened.
[src/tools/dat2c/dat2c.cpp:81]: (error) Memory leak: data
[src/tools/pgdview/pgdview.cpp:61]: (error) Buffer overrun possible for long 
command line arguments.
[src/tools/pcx2pgd/pcx2pgd.cpp:302]: (error) Buffer overrun possible for long 
command line arguments.
[src/tools/lvledit/lvledit.cpp:489]: (error) Buffer overrun possible for long 
command line arguments.


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