> On Wed, 24 Oct 2012 10:27:00 +0200
> Philipp Hartwig <p...@phhart.de> wrote:
> > OK. I got a package. The repo is at
> > 
> > https://github.com/dkogan/notion-scripts
> That was quick, great. Right now a $ git-buildpackage fails for me with the 
> message "gbp:error: upstream is not a valid branch", and if I try to checkout 
> the upstream branch, I get into 'detached HEAD' state with
> HEAD is now at b9bd818... updated README, verify_index.pl to refer to "notion"

I set it up to take the upstream code from the branch "upstream". When you
checked out the code, you only checked out the "master" branch. Thus you didn't
have a branch "upstream", only "origin/upstream". There are several ways to deal
with this. The easiest is to check out the code with "gbp-clone" instead of "git
clone". As far as I can tell this does a normal clone and also checks out the
"upstream" branch. It's a bit more common to take the upstream from a tag
instead of a branch, which avoids this issue entirely. Since these contributed
scripts aren't really a project on their own (rather a collection of many small
projects), I don't want to tag stuff.

As for the detached HEAD, I'm not 100% sure what's going on, but it's likely
you're using git wrong somehow. I can help explain if you tell me exactly which
commands gave you that.

> > This is a plain git-buildpackage repository. Debian branch is "master", 
> > while
> > the upstream branch is "upstream". I did make one patch to the upstream copy
> > itself (updating the README and such), so please merge that in, if you can.
> Please don't make any changes outside of the debian folder, but rather create 
> a debian patch for them. If the patch looks suitable for an inclusion 
> upstream, this will be done and then the patch can be dropped on the next 
> upstream import. Let's simply make that a policy please. :)

Sure. This was me asking for a merge to upstream. I'll be more explicit.

> While I agree that some changes to the README and verify_index.pl are in 
> order, your changes look suitable only for the Debian package. In the 
> upstream 
> version, the README is part of the contrib repository, so I don't think it 
> should refer to the contrib repository through an external url.  And also in 
> verify_index.pl, upstream it should refer to the contrib directory, while in 
> the Debian package it should refer to the notion-scripts directory.

OK. That sounds fine. Do you think it makes sense to keep a reference to the
old, dead repo in the README (the folk.ntnu... link)?

> Can you somehow revert these changes? I'll do something upstream and then 
> you/we can create a debian patch.

Sure. I'll rebase my patch out.

> > - I left the Suggests field in debian/control as it was. More scripts have 
> > been
> >   added since the last package was up-to-date, so this list is probably
> >   incomplete now
> Actually I think we should drop all the current suggests, and only 
> potentially 
> suggest packages that would benefit the script collection as a whole (I can't 
> think of any right now). This is how the irssi-scripts and vim-scripts 
> packages handle it.

Sounds good.

> > - The web addresses in debian/control don't exist yet. If this package 
> > becomes
> >   hosted on Alioth next to notion itself, these will become correct
> Okay, I'm not sure what is necessary to get it hosted on Alioth, probably 
> Arnout can help here.

I'd like to see this hosted there, but it's up to somebody with the proper

> > - LICENSE file says GPL3 unless otherwise stated, but some other places 
> > state
> >   "public domain" unless otherwise stated. This is a discrepancy that 
> > should be
> >   resolved. The GPL3 seems to be the wrong one between the two.
> Ugh, weird. The ion3-scripts package does not contain such a LICENSE file, so 
> I don't even know where it comes from. We'll change this upstream once I've 
> figured out what's going on there.

This file was added in the very first commit in the git repo. This repo
postdates ion3-scripts, hence no such file there. Juri Hamburg pushed this
license to the repo on 2010/06/10. I'm not going to do anything with this right
now. If somebody has strong opinions, tell me. Otherwise, I think this should be
changed to "public domain" to match the previous releases.

> > - Some of the scripts had an explicit copyright, but no explicit license. 
> > How
> >   are these to be treated? I'm calling these out as unspecified in the
> >   debian/copyright. Do these revert to "public domain"?
> Most of them are by Etan Reisner. I've asked him about it and will let you 
> know about the response. You can find us in #notion on freenode btw.

I see you updated this upstream (MIT license). I updated the debian/copyright

> > - The debian/copyright had some of its licenses stated incorrectly (mostly
> >   things like GPL vs LGPL, GPL2 vs GPL2+, etc). I corrected these. If 
> > anything
> >   more needs to happen, I'm bringing it up here.
> I thought I had been rather careful with this ... Anyway, two entries seem to 
> be 
> missing from the new file, is that on purpose? These are:
> scripts/query_url.lua 
> (C) 2005 Reuben Thomas and "released under the GPL", which can only mean GPL 
> Version 1.
> scripts/xkbion.lua
> (C) Sergey Redin with LICENSE UNSPECIFIED

Not on purpose. This was an oversight on my part. Added. Also found another
missing one: heuristics.lua. There are now 3 files with unspecified licenses.
What should be done with these?

The new debianization is now uploaded to that same repo. I'll hang out in
#notion for a few hours (I'm in the USA), so you can talk to me there if you


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