intrigeri <> écrivait (wrote) :

> >> If you can, then I'll happily consider applying your patch :)
> OK, so I'm considering applying it :)


> ... but I'm afraid this patch might prevent metche from detecting
> deleted files in the watched directory. Does it?

You are right. metche 1:1.2.2-1 doesn't detect deleted files in the
watched directory. My patch doesn't detect deleted files in the
watched directory, and its subdirs.

Isn't it a RC bug ?

> > If you consider applying it you should take the patch attached for
> > 1.2.2:  in order to have testing and stable tarballs the test -cmin
> > "-$time" has also to be modified.
> Makes sense.
> > -    if [ -z "$(find $(print_watched_files) $FIND_OPTS -cmin "-$time" 
> > -print | head -1)" ]; then
> > +    if [ -z "$(find $(print_watched_files) -type f '(' $FIND_OPTS -cmin 
> > "-$time" -print ')' | head -1)" ]; then
> No "-a" needed here between "-type f" and '('?

In find expressions -a is assumed where the operator is omitted. So it
can inprove reading but it's not needed.

> > If -type f is used there's no more needs of -path $WATCHED_DIR in
> > $FIND_OPTS but the patch will be biggest.
> I'd be happy to consider it too: this is not RC, Wheezy is frozen, so
> we have plenty of time to improve metche for Jessie!

Will have to look first at this deleted files...

          Jean Charles

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