Cord, et al,

Do we need to provide something else? Can we please have an answer, we
want to organise events, including a second BSP, and having no mailing
list is blocking this. If the listmasters don't want us there, please
say so, we'll create a google group or something, but it's been a
month since we requested the list and we still don't have an answer.
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Martín Ferrari <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I come late to this, as I didn't know there was a need to give seconds
> to mailing list proposals.
> This all started a couple of weeks ago, when we held the first BSP in
> Dublin. At the event, many new people was very enthusiastic about
> continuing work in Debian, and the already engaged people realised the
> lack of a local community was something to fix.
> A mailing list would be crucial for the bootstrap of this community,
> and I would like to avoid losing the steam we gathered during this
> event, so I'd really appreciate if this request could be fulfilled (or
> rejected) as soon as possible. If lists.d.o is not the right place for
> this, I would hastily create it somewhere else, but I'd rather not
> delay this much.
> Thanks.
> --
> Martín Ferrari

Martín Ferrari

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