On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 13:46:33 +0100 Jörg Sommer wrote:

> the postinst script tried to change to /etc/cups/pppd, but I don't have
> the package cups installed. I have only the package cups-client installed
> and use cups on a remote machine.

Hello Debian Printing Team,
do I understand correctly that this bug (#520753) prevents the
installation of ghostscript-cups on a box where cups-client is
installed without a full cups system?

May I ask what's the status of this bug?

It seems to me that there's a fix (or a workaround) on the public git
but there seems to have been no corresponding upload yet...

Instead, a NMU happened:
which has already migrated to testing.

Please clarify.
Thanks for your time!

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