Hi Ivan,

On 12-09-29 at 02:42pm, Ivan Shmakov wrote:
> >>>>> Christine Spang <sp...@mit.edu> writes:
> >>>>> On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 07:45:59PM +0200, Olivier Berger wrote:
>       [Cc: debian-perl@, asking for assistance.]
>  >> FYI,
>  >> /usr/share/perl5/auto/share/dist/Prophet/web/static/yui/css/reset.css 
>  >> seems to be distributed under terms that are not exactly MIT 
>  >> license, so deserves a mention in copyright file of the package 
>  >> IMHO.
>  > I've updated Prophet's debian/copyright for this (and all the other
>  > javascript and css files shipped with Prophet) in git.  Hopefully it
>  > will be uploaded soon; I have some other changes I'd like to get in
>  > first though.

You should most likely avoid installing that and instead depend on (and 
add symlinks for or similar) the separately packaged libjs-yui.

You still need to document the licenses - unless you additionally 
repackage to strip those files also from source, but nicest is to 
redistribute pristine source tarball, even if more hassle.

> share/web/static/jquery/js/hoverIntent.js

Similarly it seems you should make use of the separately packaged 
libjs-jquery and other packages.

If your source package ships with some JQuery addons or other JavaScript 
libraries not unique for Prophet but convenience copies of external 
projects, then please file RFP bugs about them, and consider asking the 
JavaScript team to get them packaged.

> PS.  To note is that, as a avid user of both Lynx and NoScript, I'd be
>       happy to discard all of these.  Hopefully I can get the things
>       clarified, however.

Cool if those JavaScript routines are only optional for Prophet - then 
you need only recommend or suggest those libraries.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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