On Sun, 9 Sep 2012 18:11:33 -0700 Jonathan Nieder wrote:

> Hi Francesco,

Hello Jonathan, nice to read you!   :-)

> Do you mind if I close this?

My plan was to close this bug report after managing to support Ruby
1.9.x with apt-listbugs, but, oh well, I guess it has stayed open for
long enough...
I agree that it should be closed (as you have already done).

Thanks for getting in touch with me (and the submitter) about this!

> I'm generally happy with the quality of
> apt-listbugs's implementation,

Thank you very much!
I consider this as high praise, even though I am only responsible for a
part of the code...

> and if I understood your reply
> correctly then the best recourse for people that want similar
> functionality and are allergic to ruby is to reimplement it (which
> would be nice, since it would probably result in the relevant
> interfaces being standardized and documented better).


> Thanks,

Thanks to you!

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