
> I see that libjackrabbit-java is now in Debian. How are you getting on
> with libhtmlcleaner-java and, more pertinently davmail packaging?

I have a working package using Debian libraries instead of embedded ones :

I tested it as server and as desktop application that sits in the
tray. I tested only imap and smtp without SSL for the moment.

I have a few open issues on the packaging, but they are mostly easy to
fix, I just need advice :
- Include in pkg-java Git on alioth? guidance?
- Should I repack upstream source to get rid of embedded jars and dll
or should I finish debian/copyright in order to document all licenses?
I'm aware of the recent discussion about this on -devel, but I'm not
sure about the outcome.
- Should I keep debian/patches/base64-enc-dec which includes source
from javamail or should I complete javamail ITP and depend on javamail
instead of gnumail?
- How should I handle ~/davmail.log which get created when davmail is
run as a normal easier (desktop use)?
- And I'll be seeking a sponsor.

Any comment will be welcome. Thanks for reading,


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