fixed 683729 0.3.4-1


indeed the error doesn't show up in dblatex 0.3.4-1 (testing), thus it
only affects stable.

What's your claim for a stable change besides the general "to make
dblatex more useful in Debian stable"?  When taking the possible reasons
listed in [1] as reference, I don't see anything applicable.  The only
reason that might be relevant here is "a truly critical functionality
problem", however SVG->PNG image conversion can be easily done outside
of dblatex, thus a workaround exists.  Failure of this comfort function
scarcely is critical for dblatex.

Although I don't like to deny requests, I'm inclined to set this to
"won't fix".


Regards, Andreas
Andreas Hoenen <>
GPG: 1024D/B888D2CE
     A4A6 E8B5 593A E89B 496B
     82F0 728D 8B7E B888 D2CE

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