Hi Michael
On Friday 17 August 2012 12:06:11 you wrote:
> Package: eric
> Version: 4.5.3-1
> Eric has two versions: Eric4 which is based on Python 2, and Eric5 which is
> based on Python 3.
> Eric5 was released in July 4th, 2010 and yet has not made an appearance in
> the Debian repositories--there has only been Eric4.
> Is there a reason the Eric5 goodness being held back? Or has it just been
> overlooked?
> I find Eric is a fantastic IDE, and am looking forward to having the most
> modern version. Thank you!
The python3-qt packages have been added to Debian only a few months ago.

I will package Eric5 when I have time to do it but if someone wants to step 
forward and help I am more than willing to orphan it or cooperate with the 


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