Package: apt

Seems that I cannot override the pinning defined
in /etc/apt/preferences by a local config file in
/etc/apt/preferences.d. Sample:


        Package: *
        Pin: release a=squeeze-backports
        Pin-Priority: 200


        Package: *
        Pin: release a=squeeze-backports
        Pin-Priority: 500

According to the man page the next run of

        apt-get update
        apt-get install git

would install the git from debian-backports, since I
did not set a target release, 500 == 500, and the
version number of git in debian-backports is higher
than Squeeze's git. But it doesn't.

If I set the 500 in /etc/apt/preferences

        Package: *
        Pin: release a=squeeze-backports
        Pin-Priority: 500

then it works, i.e. overriding the Pin-Priority is
somehow flawed.

This is surely not what one would expect. It took me
quite some time to figure out. Would it be possible
to fix this?

Many thanx


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