reassign 628233 libaqhbci20
forcemerge 628379 628233

Daniel Bayer <> writes:

> On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 09:52:37PM +0200, Micha Lenk wrote:
>> Am 28.05.2011 14:53, schrieb Daniel Bayer:
>> > since some days the hbci functionality "internal transaction" doesn't
>> > work for me anymore: If I click on the menu entry nothing happens.
>> > Debugging this I found:
>> > 
>> > * 14:32:55  CRIT <aqhbci> accountjob.c:   82: This job needs an account 
>> > suffix, but your bank didn't provide one. Therefore this job is not 
>> > supported with your account.
>> > * 14:32:55  CRIT <aqhbci> provider.c:  394: Job not supported with this 
>> > account
>> > * 14:32:55  WARN <gnc.import.aqbanking>  gnc_ab_trans_dialog_run_until_ok: 
>> > Oops, job not available
>> > 
>> > So for some reason I still have to debug aqhbci thinks my bank does
>> > not support internal transactions anymore and aborts. It would be nice
>> > if gnucash could show an error message in this case. Currently it is
>> > completly silent about this.
>> How can I reproduce the the situation where you expected an error message?
> see Bug#628379, which triggers this for me. If I understand the issue
> correctly, removing "ktv2" from "accountFlags" in
> $HOME/.aqbanking/settings/accounts/*.conf might be sufficient.

Closing this bug by merging it with #628379, which seems to be the real

Please reopen if you disagree with this bug being closed.


Sébastien Villemot
Researcher in Economics
Phone: +33-1-40-77-84-04

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