found 683167 linux/3.5-1~exerimental.1

Hi Maik,

Maik Zumstrull wrote:

> [Subject: Also in 3.5]

Please keep in mind that these appear as emails in a crowded inbox, so the
subject line can be a good place to put valuable context.

> Now running linux-image-3.5-trunk-amd64 (3.5-1~experimental.1). Still happens.
> This is on an Ivy Bridge Xeon E3 with GPU. I thought it was the X
> driver, because i915 KMS works fine for the console, it only crashes
> when trying to bring up X. But I pulled in the 2.20.2 driver today and
> it still happens. So I now think the problem is in the kernel.
> 3.2 crashes as well, but not as hard as 3.4. With 3.2, X doesn't come
> up, but you can switch to a console and reboot. 3.4 needs the reset
> button.

Does the squeeze 2.6.32.y kernel reproduce the same trouble?  (It should run
fine on a wheezy/sid system.)  Could you retrieve full "dmesg" output
from the 3.2.y failure?

Thanks and hope that helps,

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