On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 16:16:18 -0400
David Prévot <taf...@debian.org> wrote:

> Le 02/05/2012 17:04, Neil Williams a écrit :
> > On Wed, 2 May 2012 16:05:47 -0400
> > "David Prévot" <taf...@debian.org> wrote:
> > 
> >>> There are changes going on in this package which could result in large
> >>> portions of the package being dropped.
> >>
> >> Is there an ETA? Are these changes likely to make it before Wheezy being
> >> frozen?
> > 
> > Everything depends on what happens with ftp-master and the ongoing
> > plans for integration but I certainly aim to get it into wheezy which
> > means getting uploads into unstable and migrated into testing before the
> > freeze
> Since no upload actually happened, would you please consider an
> translation-only upload in order to fix the current status? I'd be happy
> to perform the call for translation beforehand, in order to make sure
> other translations can be updated in time for this upload (and in order
> to hand you already checked translations).

No. There will be no further upload of emdebian-grip for Wheezy. I will
do a backport once the release is made. The backport will involve
massive changes to the package. Most users of the package actually pull
in the package from unstable, backports or directly from SVN.

The fact that no upload was made means that the work is still ongoing
and is now too late for Wheezy. I now have other priorities.

> Since the package is now unlikely to change in the upcoming stable
> release, we (a collective “we”, including the people doing the
> translation work, and the non-native English users for who we are all
> actually working) would now aim for complete translated documentation.
Wrong. The package is likely to need substantial changes via a
backport. Too many changes to get a freeze exception. There is no point
working on the translations - all changes after this point *will* be
thrown away. Don't waste my time and yours.

> over four months), debhelper and schroot (WIP: already in contact with
> the respective maintainers) are already worked on, but multistrap,
> emdebian-grip, emdebian-crush and ladder are stalled for now.

... and will remain so. There are no plans for uploads of any of those.
I'm concentrating on release-critical issues.

NMU's are hereby explicitly declined. This isn't about debconf
translations which are expected to be NMU'd.
There is a chance that these packages will drop translation support
entirely after Wheezy.


Neil Williams

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