tags 681091 + moreinfo

Dear Leandro,

Leandro Noferini <lnofe...@cybervalley.org> writes:

> Trying to start gnucash stops showing the window for the tip and do not
> run anymore.
> Running with --debug option gives no result in window and write these lines 
> in $
> * 17:01:01  INFO <gnc.engine> [gnc_hook_lookup] no hook lists
> * 17:01:02  INFO <qof.engine> [init_from_file] guid_init got 512 bytes from 
> /de$
> * 17:01:02  INFO <qof.engine> [init_from_file] guid_init got 2266 bytes from 
> /e$
> * 17:01:02  INFO <qof.engine> [init_from_file] guid_init got 27 bytes from 
> /pro$
> * 17:01:02  INFO <qof.engine> [init_from_file] guid_init got 1170 bytes from 
> /p$
> * 17:01:02  INFO <qof.engine> [init_from_file] guid_init got 571 bytes from 
> /pr$
> * 17:01:02  INFO <qof.engine> [init_from_file] guid_init got 1385 bytes from 
> /p$
> * 17:01:02  INFO <qof.engine> [init_from_file] guid_init got 227 bytes from 
> /pr$
> * 17:01:02  INFO <qof.engine> [init_from_file] guid_init got 1766 bytes from 
> /p$
> * 17:01:02  INFO <qof.engine> [init_from_file] guid_init got 18 bytes from 
> /pro$

We need more information in order to be able to fix the problem. Ideally
we would need precise information on how to reproduce it. Also, can you
provide the following:

- an untruncated version of /tmp/gnucash.trace (the one you sent is
  truncated on the right)

- does gnucash segfault? is there any output on stdout/stderr?

- what happens if you try to run gnucash from another account on your
  system? (ideally an account which has never ran gnucash)

- do you have anything unusual in your setup? which features of GnuCash
  do you use?

Thanks for your feedback,

 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Maintainer
`. `'     http://www.dynare.org/sebastien
  `-      GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594

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