forwarded 617409
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Dear rpnpif, dear Simon,

Am Mittwoch, den 15.02.2012, 00:21 +0100 schrieb Simon Wenner:
> Here are very similar bug reports in other BTs. Many people are
> affected:

Simon, thanks for finding these upstream entries. I set the BTS tags
accordingly. rpnpif, can you confirm that this is the issue you are

> ... and K3B works without any issues. My drive is not broken.

Reading the listed reports, it looks like this is an error with the
usage of or an error in libburn4 or libisofs6. I am therefore putting
the libburnia folks into CC. Maybe they have an idea.

rpnpif, Simon, could you try using `xorriso` [1], which also utilizes
`libburn4`, to find out if that is a problem with `libburn4`. If it is,
the bug needs to be reassigned and marked as affecting `brasero` or



PS: Simon, in the future could you please CC people from the bug report
since I guess rpnpif after reporting that bug almost a year before your
reply does not even know, that you replied. (Of course that could be
wrong.) In my opinion the best practice is to do the following. Since
you use a MUA/mail program that should work for you easily.


   $ bts show --mbox 617409

from the package `devscripts` to get all the messages in mbox format.
Then import this mbox file from 


into your mail program from and reply to the appropriate message (reply
to all). This keeps threading, saves time and you can quote.

To answer to messages you sent, go to your Sent folder and use »Reply to
all« on that message.


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