Dear gnupg/gpa developers,

There is some strange issue with gpa on a Debian users system. See

and the mail below. gpa has no debug switch. What do you suggest to
debug the issue?

Regards, Daniel

Am Montag, den 02.07.2012, 09:27 +0200 schrieb Lionel Gamay:
> I had this error displayed in three existing profiles on this machine,
> even with no gpg key stored in one of these profiles. So I created a
> fresh new profile as you suggested. The result are:
> - there is not any problem with any of the reimported keys in the new profile
> - in the new profile, there is no "General Assuan error" when starting gpa
> In one of the profiles where the "bug" is present and gnupg is already
> configured and working with the old version of gpa, I moved away the
> .gnupg directory in order to have it recreated when starting again the newer
> gpa. And the error was however still displayed.
> So this error message seems to be related to something else stored
> in the currently existing user profiles that I can't figure for now. If you
> ever have any clue...
> All my apologies.
> Lionel
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