It is indeed a small package. It only contains TODO, README and postinst
files. It triggered the lintian empty binary package warning until I put
'empty package' in the long description. I guess it'd be up to the FTP

Essentially it's simply a package that links mysql_tzinfo_to_sql and tzdata
together using a trigger.

When mysql-tzdata is first installed and then when tzdata is updated the
postinst script is run, which loads the mysql_tzinfo_to_sql output into the
mysql.timezone_* tables. That's done either as debian-sys-maint or by
running a bootstrap copy of mysqld (depending on whether mysqld is already

This ensures that when timezone information gets updated the update of
tzdata automatically updates MySQL's copy too, which should keep them in
sync. That makes it simpler to update timezones, and makes it less likely
that MySQL's copies are out of date. Being an optional package, people will
only get this behaviour if they choose it so they could still manage those
tables manually if they wished.

Since the only way I know of to do such a trigger is to use a package, it
seems that although it's a small package it's also necessary to do such a


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