On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 12:49:17AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi,
> Iain Lane wrote (27 Jun 2012 22:30:40 GMT) :
> > Where can I find these commits?
> There: git://lair.fifthhorseman.net/~dkg/msva-perl
> (Yeah, I know, that's not obvious.)

Got it, thanks. Seems to fix it indeed, and if the other commit fixes
the "Use of uninitialized value" warning (looked at the code but didn't
test it) then we might as well include that too IMHO.

I guess getting a freeze unblock wouldn't be a problem for this, but we
should nevertheless try and get uploaded before then. Can you ping dkg
in #monkeysphere?


Iain Lane                                  [ i...@orangesquash.org.uk ]
Debian Developer                                   [ la...@debian.org ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ la...@ubuntu.com ]
PhD student                                       [ i...@cs.nott.ac.uk ]

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