On Wed, 2012-06-20 at 20:38 -0700, Peter Cao wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> We have not seen similar issue with other linux distributions  and
> with debian amd64 distribution
> My guess is that there is some flaw with the high memory
> management(>=4G in 32bit mode) either or both in Buslogic driver and
> debian kernel.
> Debian uses "amd64" kernel for >4G memory in 32bit mode while most
> other linux distribution use "bigmem" kernel configuration.

We offer both but the installer is supposed to pick the '686-bigmem'
configuration by default.

> Is this combination causing the problem?

It would not surprise me if BusLogic was broken on 64-bit systems, but
presumably you would have noticed that in other 64-bit Linux guests.
The userland architecture (i386 vs amd64) should not make any

> And what is the difference between "amd64 kernel in 32bit mode"  and
> "real amd64 kernel"?

They are identical except for package metadata.
linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 is duplicated for i386 because until recently
dpkg would not let you install packages marked as being for a different

> We configure the virtual device to be used in the virtual machine's
> configuration, which specified clearly the memory size, cpu number,
> disk size, nic type before a VM is powered on.... And I think the
> adapter type is determined by  OS with PCI vender ID. So this is
> unlikely a vmware
> related bug.

What I meant is that if the VMware tools do not configure a Debian 6.0
guest to have a PV-SCSI adapter by default, this is a poor default and
that is a bug (independent of any bugs in the guest kernel or driver).

> We can use pvscsi for best performance but our customer may need the
> buslogic virtual adapter so we have to support this configuration.

Why would they specifically need that when they use a guest and host
that support PV-SCSI?


Ben Hutchings
Every program is either trivial or else contains at least one bug

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