I only have submit a Mirror for Publik downloading in our Datacenter
The following entries were submitted:
Submission-Type: new
Site: deb-mirror.de
Type: leaf
Archive-architecture: ALL amd64 armel armhf hurd-i386 i386 ia64
kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel powerpc s390 s390x sparc
Archive-ftp: /debian/
Archive-http: /debian/
Backports-ftp: /debian-backports/
Backports-http: /debian-backports/
CDImage-ftp: /debian-cd/
CDImage-http: /debian-cd/
IPv6: no
Archive-upstream: ftp2.de.debian.org
Backports-upstream: ftp2.de.debian.org
CDImage-upstream: ftp2.de.debian.org
Updates: push
Maintainer: Kevin Burger <kevinbur...@gmx.net>
Country: DE Germany
Location: Frankfurt Optimate-Server
Sponsor: Optimate-Server http://optimate-server.de
(Private e-mail recorded: kevinbur...@gmx.net)
If there was an error in your submission, please go back and re-submit
an update, or mail mirr...@debian.org.
Recording... done.
Recording... done.
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