
Alle mercoledì 20 giugno 2012, Adam D. Barratt ha scritto:
> On 20.06.2012 11:22, Pino Toscano wrote:
> > Alle giovedì 14 giugno 2012, Adam D. Barratt ha scritto:
> >> Yep.  Scheduled, minus apper/sparc which appears to have built
> >> more recently than the other arches and already picked up the
> >> correct dependency.
> > 
> > Thanks, it seems everywhere binNMUs went fine.
> > Given that kde-workspace is 9/10, would it be possible to let it
> > migrate
> > tonight, hinting temporarly kshutdown and
> > plasma-widget-smooth-tasks out
> > of testing? The former would migrate again on its own in 10 days,
> > the latter... dunno, it would not be a grave loss OTOH.
> As discussed on IRC, after removing kshutdown and p-w-s-t everything
> else looks okay from a kde-workspace perspective.  The tidy up of old
> libraries in testing ends up incomplete however, because kdenetwork
> is only 3/10 and the testing version depends on libkworkspace4 - we
> can either age kdenetwork, or just live with the old library hanging
> around for a few more days; either works for me. :-)

If the old libraries are not a problem for a week, I'd say if you could 
temporarly keep them and wait for the kdenetwork migration (so we're 
double sure it is safe enough).

Pino Toscano

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