found 677173 3.2.20-1


This has just occurred again with 3.2.20-1.

On 2012-06-13 00:33:16 -0500, Jonathan Nieder wrote:
> I assume the X log does not say anything interesting, either, and

No, nothing in the X log.

> that even after switching to a VT the keyboard does not work when
> this happens?

I haven't tried (I'll try next time, as I can switch to a VT from the
laptop keyboard). I doubt there is anything specific to X, though (in
particular since the laptop keyboard still works while the USB keyboard

> Since I'm out of ideas and I can't think of any Debian-specific
> patch that would be relevant, I'd suggest contacting
> for hints.  They might be able to help you
> get a trace with usbmon (of Documentation/usb/usbmon.txt fame), for
> example.

I'll do that.


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