As far as I know, the vcs URLs are intended to point to the debian package
sources, rather than the upstream sources.


Sent from my phone.
On Apr 12, 2012 10:08 a.m., "Ghe Rivero" <> wrote:

> Hi Kiall,
>     what about using as the
> main repo? Could be that an alternative?
> Ghe Rivero
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:21 AM, Kiall Mac Innes <>wrote:
>> I had thought Chuck had removed those URLs before uploading to Ubuntu -
>> (And I didn't know it had made it up into Debian..)..
>> Anyway - I've opened anon access to the repo, although the Vcs-Browser
>> URL will still 404 unless you are signed in due to a Gerrit bug.
>> Please feel free to leave them, remove them, or change them as you see
>> fit.
>> Thanks,
>> Kiall

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