Package: epiphany Version: 0.7.0-5 Severity: wishlist Tags: patch l10n Please find the initial German desktop file translation for epiphany attached.
If you update your template, please use 'msgfmt --statistics <pofile.po>' to check the po-files for fuzzy or untranslated strings. If there are such strings, please contact me so I can update the German translation. Greetings Helge
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=Epiphany GenericName=Game GenericName[es]=Juego GenericName[de]=Spiel Comment=Collect valuable minerals, while avoiding being hit by a falling boulder or a bomb Comment[es]=Recolecta valiosos minerales mientras evitas que te alcancen los bloques de roca que caen o las bombas Comment[de]=Wertvolle Mineralien sammeln und vermeiden, von einem fallenden Stein oder einer Bombe getroffen zu werden Type=Application Exec=epiphany-game Icon=epiphany-game Categories=ArcadeGame;Game;