2012/4/5 Alejandro Carrazzoni <ale.carrazz...@gmail.com>

> Package: xfce4
> Version:
> Severity: normal
> Sometimes a square appears on the top-left corner of the screen, usually
> after
> closing a maximized window. It only appears when looking at the desktop.
> I'm
> using xfce with nvidia propietrary drivers and compositing turned on.
> There's a
> screenshot attached that shows the problem.
Dear Alejandro,
I can see in your screenshot that you have Jdownloader running: I don't
know why, but it is probably the cause of the problem. I experience
something like that too.

I suggest you to try to test if the square ever shows up without
Jdownloader running.

Hope this helps,

Best Regards

Marco Milone

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