Hi Adam,

>> Hahahahaha, sure, I can also wait another two years.
> fwiw, if you'd requested binNMUs while the new texlive-bin was in 
> experimental, we'd have been happy to schedule them for you.  I'm not sure 
> why you think that would have taken so long.

Call me ignorant, but I don't know anything about requesting NMUs and the like. 
I have very scarce time and packaging a beast of that size does not allow me to 
read thinhs here and there etc. I am happy that after long time I got a working 

So, bottom line what I meant with rebuilding is that I thought you asked *me* 
to build test all the packages.

> The fact that other transitions may not have been ideal in the past doesn't 
> mean we shouldn't try and improve things in general, surely?

Surely, that is why I have I think already three times asked to get prior 
warning if another completely poppler comes in, and only now, for 0.18 the 
first time AFAIR we got a warning.

So my believe in *any* planning of transitions is not existing.

> I don't recall seeing a request for assitance in respect to those issues.  If 
> there was one and I missed it, I apologise for that.

Again, we try to fix problems by ourself, probably again ignorance.

> I think you're reading things in to my mail which aren't there, fwiw.  

Well, the first email sounded like "hey, why the heck didn't you concur with us 

But let us finish that and do technical stuff, rethoric is boring.

Let me know if something goes weird.


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