On mer., 2012-03-28 at 19:11 +0100, Miklos Quartus wrote:
> Package: xfce4-utils
> Version: 4.8.3-2
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> This bug report has been submitted by the 'bugreport' program. The issue
> is that ssh-agent (or ssh) is not installed on my PC, but xfce4 during
> start up tries to invoke it and fails. I get the following error in 
> my .xsession-errors.
> "/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc: 1: /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc: ssh-agent: not
> found"
> this happens at line 171. Otherwise xfce4 and everything else on my
> system is working fine, I can use the X environment without having ssh
> on my system. I suggest to fix it by setting line 139 as follows.
> "if test -z "$ssh_agent_type"; then"
> TO
> "if ! test -z "$ssh_agent_type"; then"
> With the fix above, the condition later see and will not try to start
> ssh-agent. Other suggestion is to make the package *dependant* on the
> ssh package. Currently this package does not depend on ssh, see below.

What's the problem with the current situation?


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