Am -10.01.-28163 20:59, schrieb Vincent Cheng:
> Just sending this bug report a ping so people don't think I've given
> up on this package entirely. ;)
> I've uploaded an updated package for r11339 (Alpha 9) to mentors.d.n
> which is lintian + pbuilder clean, and also uses system libraries
> instead of the embedded ones for enet and spidermonkey/libmozjs, but
> there are some dpkg-shlibdeps warnings and the game doesn't run, so
> it's still a work-in-progress.
> $ dget
> Build log attached. Also, output of running 0ad from a terminal looks like 
> this:
> $ 0ad
> /usr/games/pyrogenesis: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> I think the next step would be to package nvtt [1], or somehow work
> around the above errors; any help with either of these options would
> be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Vincent
> [1]

nvtt will be uploaded to unstable for you in the next days. [1] And you
should CC the debian-devel-games list when asking for help or with news
about 0ad. This deserves more attention than the bug report gets.

Best regards,


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