
i found the following patches in #60041 and #126257.  with this,
recorded files can be played using bplay, but the file header is still
somehow badly crafted:

$ play new.wav
playing new.wav
sox: Premature EOF on .wav input file

i also noted a few other things that could be grabbed from current
 - handling of very long files (see last patch in #126257)
 - updated Die function to make sure the forked process is killed.

And at the end of the recording, when showing the 'Recording
information', brec_gramo eats all the cpu available until OK is pressed.

ciao, piem
--- gramofile-1.6.orig/bplaysrc/bplay.c
+++ gramofile-1.6/bplaysrc/bplay.c
@@ -307,6 +307,25 @@
                                memcpy(&(header.data_chunk), data, 4);
                                header.data_length = bcount;
+                               /* let's do a bit of reordering */
+                               header.length =  bswap_32 (header.length);
+                               header.sc_len =  bswap_32 (header.sc_len);
+                               header.format =  bswap_16 (header.format);
+                               header.modus  =  bswap_16 (header.modus);
+                               header.sample_fq  =  bswap_32 
+                               header.byte_p_sec =  bswap_32 
+                               header.byte_p_spl =  bswap_16 
+                               header.bit_p_spl  =  bswap_16 
+                               header.data_chunk =  bswap_32 
+                               header.data_length =  bswap_32 
                                write(thefd, &header, sizeof(header));
                case F_RAW:
@@ -476,6 +495,25 @@
     memcpy((void*)&wavhd, (void*)hd_buf, 20);
     count = read(thefd, ((char*)&wavhd)+20, sizeof(wavhd) - 20);
+    /* let's do a bit of reordering */
+    wavhd.length =  bswap_32 (wavhd.length);
+    wavhd.sc_len =  bswap_32 (wavhd.sc_len);
+    wavhd.format =  bswap_16 (wavhd.format);
+    wavhd.modus  =  bswap_16 (wavhd.modus);
+    wavhd.sample_fq  =  bswap_32 (wavhd.sample_fq);
+    wavhd.byte_p_sec =  bswap_32 (wavhd.byte_p_sec);
+    wavhd.byte_p_spl =  bswap_16 (wavhd.byte_p_spl);
+    wavhd.bit_p_spl  =  bswap_16 (wavhd.bit_p_spl);
+    wavhd.data_chunk =  bswap_32 (wavhd.data_chunk);
+    wavhd.data_length =  bswap_32 (wavhd.data_length);
     if(wavhd.format != 1) Die("Input is not a PCM WAV file");
 #ifndef LP2CD
     if (! (mods&MSPEED))

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