
I need some clearance about using exchange "Public folders". First I
thought, that in evolution 2.x, I always have to add the Public
Folder(PF) to my favourites, to see its content. This is insane and
totally impossible in enteprise enviroment with hundreds of people
creating and deleting PF`s in an department. Even when I could (is it
possible?) add the folders recursively, this is not a solution because
most of the people, aren`t highly computer skilled and who`ll be doing
this for them? They expect the same behaviour as in Outlook. Nothing
more, nothing less.

So now my question:
When I click the exchange button and browse the PF`s, do I have to see
their content? If yes, then I confirm the bug 263365 for the latest
unstable and I suggest to increase its priority to "important", because
PF`s are important feature enterprise customers can`t live without! If I
should not see the contents of the Folders without adding to favourites,
then this new "feature" renders evolution-exchange 2.0 unusable.

We migrated about 100 customer Workstations to Linux (debian).
Everything is fine, except evolution-exchange. We are now using version
1.4.6 and have enormous problems with its instability and very strange
bugs (like email with subject starting with one or more blanks not
send). We hope this to get better with 2.x, but we can not upgrade,
until the mentioned PF`s problem exists.

best regards,
Juraj Holtak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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