Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
* John

| On installation, mailman creates the user with this command:
| adduser --system --home /var/list --ingroup list list
| The directory /var/list does not exist, is not created and
| (I think) is wrong anyway.

This is to be consistent with base-passwd:

I don't see what base-passwd has to do with it, but then I'm not a dd, I'm just a dopey user.

Seems to me the whole idea of putting _application_ binaries into _system_ libraries is flawed anyway, and mailman is just as much an application as the in-house software we used at The Department of Social Security's Pensions, Payments, Family Allowances, Unemployment Benefits were when I worked there in the 70s & 80s, and those were in private libraries.

Further, using a common account name (which I presume is the idea of using a nodescript name such as "list" as about) mitigates against using more than one list manager.

_I_ think binaries in /usr/mailman/bin and dynamic files in /var/{lib,spool}/mailman is sensible, and use sudo (not su) to grant list manangers access to mailman executables and directories.

Note that Mailman doesn't use the home directory for anything, so it doesn't matter that the directory does not exists.

Ok, it doesn't matter that users are confused by it and that cd ~list doesn't lead anywhere useful such as /var/lib/mailman where mailman logs etc can be found.

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