bingo, I actually have 5 databases with non-ASCII characters:
~/.jpilot/backup$ ls -1 | cat -v | grep M- AdressenM-dnderung.pdb BM-|cher.pdb DM-ipartements franM-gais.pdb MaM-qanaDB.pdb MaM-qana.prc
and 5 empty lines in jpilot-backup (and none of the listed databases does appear).
Seems to be the problem. Just need to fix it now! ;-)
Cheers, Eric
Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
Eric, I see in your active.dbm that you have three databases with non ASCII characters. They are AdressenÃnderung, MaÃana and MaÃanaDB. Do you see them in the plugin display? Maybe they are the source of the crash.
-- Gewalt ist die letzte Zuflucht der Inkompetenz. Violence is the Last Resort of the Incompetent. Gwalt jest ostatnem schronieniem niekompetencji. La violence est le dernier refuge de l'incompetence. ~ Isaac Asimov